How long does it take for my product to be listed on ZALORA website?
If all your product contents and images are complete and ready on Seller Center, we require 3-5 working days to QC your products and make them live on ZALORA website.
Where can I find the reason my product is rejected by ZALORA Quality Control?
On your Seller Center go to: Products > Manage products > Poor Quality.
If your products have been rejected, you will receive a notice on Seller Center at the Poor Quality Tab. You will find all the rejected products and the relevant rejection reasons.
I do not understand the poor quality rejection reason by ZALORA
Click on the link Reasons of Quality Control Rejection to understand the rejection reason in detail.
Why does my product need to pass through Quality Control again after I updated the contents and images
It is compulsory verify if the contents and images are correctly updated according to our requirements
How long does the QC team take to review my items?
The QC team takes about 2-3 working days to approve/reject your product changes. You can reach out to Seller Help Desk if you still find your products not reviewed after the stipulated time.
How do I know if my products have been disapproved/rejected? Will I be informed of the reasons?
You are able to check the status of your product uploads under the “Rejected” link on the Product Overview page. Alternatively, sellers will be informed via email. Rejected reasons can be found listed under the “Rejected” page, or in the “Edit Product” page itself.
To understand more about disapproved/rejected products, you may refer to the Guide to Fix Common Rejected Products.
Why do my rejected products remain in the Rejected tab after so long even though I have made the relevant changes?
Any rejected/disapproved products that have been corrected will need to go through the QC (Quality Control) process once again. If products remain under the “Rejected” tab, it means that you have not made a successful amendment.
If the problem persists or should you need further clarification, please contact support via the Seller Helpdesk Chat on the bottom left of your Seller Center screen, or fill out our contact form here